Tony Webb Wax Figures

Thank you for applying for a modelling job through StarNow with Tony Webb Wax Figures. We appreciate your interest and enthusiasm. Being made into a wax figure is an amazing process and great fun, but it's also hard work. We need to see specific images of you, so please check out the info below. Thank you and good luck!

Female Models
Please replicate these reference images, so we can clearly see your body type and shape. You do not need the exact garments seen here, swimwear or tight fitting gym wear is fine. Please make sure you do not wear anything baggy or that covers your arms and legs or hides your shape. A heel must be worn so your leg line and ankle can be seen. Long hair must be worn up. Smartphone pix are fine in good lighting.

Male Models
Please replicate these poses. No shirt/top must be worn and please wear gym or swim shorts. We need to see your physique and body type/shape. Long hair must be worn up. Smart phone pix are fine in good lighting.